Due extraction arm providers drive the industry to become more intelligent

The dust extraction arm providers introduced the advanced technology of Germany IFE, combined with our company's scientific research achievements and production experience for many years, and specially developed smoke and oil mist cleaners for fastener industry and machining industry, which have dual functions of smoke (oil) mist collection and recovery.

Dust extraction arm providers can purify and collect all kinds of smoke, including acid gas and alkaline gas. The collection efficiency is more than 99%. The small filtration accuracy is 0.01UM. It is an ideal equipment for cleaner production in fastener industry and machining industry. Due extraction arm providers can be used for oil mist and water-based mist generated during machining of cutting oil, emulsion and synthetic coolant. Application examples: CNC lathe, machine tool, cleaning machine, cylindrical grinder, surface grinder, gear hobbing, milling machine and gear shaping machine, vacuum pump, spray test room, EDM, CNC machining center.

The efficiency of dust extraction arm providers is energy-saving. The oil mist purification efficiency is more than 99%. It is used for many years without consumables. It improves the working environment, realizes clean production, protects the physical and mental health of employees, and reduces the occurrence of occupational diseases. Reduce the influence of smoke and oil mist on the machine tool circuit system and control system, and reduce the maintenance cost of the machine tool. Dust extraction arm providers can recycle the part of cooling oil that produces smoke from cold heading machine tools, reducing production costs.

Driven by the motor, the dust extraction arm providers directly drive the blades in the steel drum to rotate at a high speed and inhale the oil mist into the steel drum. The oil mist is hit by the blades at a speed of more than 50 meters per scale. The equipment in the steel drum is equipped with loose fibers to help the oil mist gather, filter out the liquid particles and reduce the noise. Small oil droplets are forced to collide with the inner wall of the shell before being thrown out by centrifugal force and agglomerate, It is forced to move upward under the action of air flow. A suitable duct returns the collected liquid to the machine tool continuously, and clean air returns to the workshop through the top filter and muffler pad.

The purification efficiency of dust extraction arm providers is stable. The purification efficiency of 1um - 2um oil mist particles is more than 97%, and the purification efficiency of more than 2um oil mist particles is 99.5%. The equipment has good reliability and long service life. Due extraction arm providers have compact structure and stable operation efficiency. The service life of due extraction arm providers is more than 10 years, and the maintenance cycle is long. Generally, they are replaced every two years or so. The oil mist can be recycled, which reduces the consumption cost of coolant and saves the cost of enterprises.

dust extraction arm providers https://www.kaisenfilter.com/Suspended-Suction-Arm

Posted in Default Category on October 26 at 02:51 AM

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