The Order Of Application Of Skin Milky Lotions And Serums

The order of use of skin care milky lotion and essence, which one should be used first? The order of use of skin care products is indeed more important, because each skin care product has different characteristics, textures and effects, and it can only be guaranteed when used in the prescribed order Every skin care product works as it should.


Have you ever been in a hurry about the order in which you use skin care products when you first started using them? Everyone has had this experience, right?


The order in which skin care products are used is indeed more important, because each skin care product has different characteristics, textures and effects. Only by using it in the prescribed order can each skin care product play its due effect. So the order of using lotion and essence? Which lotion and essence should be used first?


Milky lotions are basic skin care products that should be used morning and night. Its water content is relatively high, it can moisturise the skin in a warm time, replenish and discard moisture for dry skin, and form a thin and breathable protective film on the skin surface, which can prevent the loss of skin moisture, and has a moisturizing effect: in the autumn and winter seasons It can isolate the dry climate from the outside world, prevent moisture loss too quickly, and avoid dry and cracked skin.


Essences are functional skin care products and are generally used according to the needs of the skin. It has many active ingredients, small molecules, strong penetrating power, and is easy to be absorbed. It can make the effective concentrated ingredients quickly penetrate the skin's barrier, bring sufficient nutrients to the skin, and give cells new vitality. There are many types of serums, and the main ingredients added to different types are different, and the effects will naturally be different.


The order of application of lotions and serums

The texture of the dry essence is mostly clear liquid. In order to prevent the thicker liquid from blocking it in the outer layer of the skin, it is necessary to use the essence first before using the lotion.


Then in the entire skin care sequence, the order of use of various skin care products is as follows: facial cleanser - lotion - essence - eye cream - lotion or cream.


Which one should you use first, lotion or essence? You don't have any doubts about this question! If you can't tell the order of use of skin care products, you can also remember this rule, that is, skin care products with lighter texture are used earlier. , the heavier the skin care products, the later use.


Cellreva Milky Lotion Agency

Cellreva Milky Lotion Agency - Beaubeaux

Beaubeaux (Shenzhen) Trading Co., Ltd. was established in 2021. We are the global agent and distributor of the Japanese brand Cellreva. At present, our business is mainly based on e-commerce platform sales in Japan and China. All Cellreva products sold by the company are produced in Japan. We look forward to communicating and cooperating with you!

Posted in Default Category on October 28 at 05:40 AM

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