How to measure body temperature with mercury free clinical thermometer?

Mercury free clinical thermometer has been very popular in the market in recent years. Do you know how to use mercury free clinical thermometer to measure body temperature? Below Syndigomed teaches you 3 methods of measuring body temperature with a mercury free clinical thermometer.

mercury free clinical thermometer


1. Oral measurement

Before use, shake the degree of the mercury free clinical thermometer to below 35°C, then place the mercury free clinical thermometer under the tongue, hold it, do not bite or speak, measure it for at least 3-5 minutes, take out the mercury Free clinical thermometer, after reading the temperature data, wipe it with toilet paper, and then disinfect it with alcohol cotton pads. The normal value is 36.3 to 37.2°C. During the measurement, the patient cannot breathe through the mouth, which will affect the measurement results. Oral measurements cannot be used in infants and comatose patients.

2. Underarm measurement

Before use, shake the degree of the mercury free clinical thermometer to below 35°C, then insert the head end of the mercury free clinical thermometer into the patient's armpit, and clamp the thermometer with the upper arm to avoid dislocation or falling. After 5-10 minutes of measurement, remove the mercury free clinical thermometer. After reading the temperature data, wipe with toilet paper. The normal value is 36 to 37. When using the fluid measurement, pay attention to dry armpits and dry sweat. Ice packs or hot water packs should not be placed under the armpit and will affect the measurement results. For a thin and unconscious person, if the thermometer cannot be clamped, the measurement will be lower than the actual body temperature.

3. Anal measurement

After the tip of the mercury free clinical thermometer is lubricated, slowly pierce it into the anus and take out the thermometer reading after 5 minutes. The normal value is 36.5 ~ 37.3. Anal measurement is 0.3 to 0.5 more accurate than oral measurement, and is mostly used in infants or the unconscious.


Syndigomed is a mercury free clinical thermometer supplier, producing and selling a variety of mercury free clinical thermometers. If you need it, please contact us, email, visit or click .

Posted in Default Category on October 28 at 10:15 PM

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