Benefits of Touch Screen Kiosks for Supermarket

If the supermarket party wants to ensure the safety of each product, but if the anti -theft budget is limited, it is recommended that you use the Benefits of Touch Screen Kiosks. This is a product with excellent anti -theft effect and affordable price, which is a very good choice for supermarkets. Today, I mainly talk about how this label is in the supermarket anti -theft.

One: The composition of Benefits of Touch Screen Kiosks

Benefits of Touch Screen Kiosks is divided into hard tags and soft labels. Among them, the hard label is composed of two parts: anti -theft nails and anti -theft buckles. The principle of locking is used to reduce artificial damage to it and greatly improve anti -theft capacity. The soft label is a sticker with anti -theft magnetic strips. It only needs to be pasted on the product, which is convenient and fast.

Two: Benefits of Touch Screen Kiosks

Because of its large number of goods in the supermarket, it is impossible to achieve real -time defense. Benefits of Touch Screen Kiosks can be installed on products that need to be anti -theft, replacing artificial anti -theft. If a customer secretly brings the product out of the door, the label will cause the alarm system of the anti -theft door to make a sound, effectively avoiding the commodity theft caused Economic losses.

benefits of touch screen kiosks

Posted in Default Category on November 10 at 12:47 AM

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