Precautions for using medical disposable venous infusion set

Today, CMC Medical shares with you the precautions for using medical disposable intravenous infusion sets. Disposable infusion set is a common medical consumable. After aseptic treatment, a channel between vein and medicinal liquid is established for intravenous infusion.

1. A strict checking system should be implemented before blood transfusion: two or more people check, including bed location, name of donor and recipient, blood type, blood volume, blood number, cross-matching test results, blood type, date of blood collection, expiration date and blood quality. Preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative examinations, and the name of the examiner signed after the operation. The retrieved blood needs to be placed at room temperature for half an hour to prevent adverse reactions caused by excessive cooling of the blood.

2. Before the blood transfusion process, the patients and their families should be informed of the reasons for blood transfusion, the risks of blood transfusion and the possible adverse reactions after blood transfusion, so that patients can actively cooperate with the treatment. The general condition of the patient should be closely observed during and after the transfusion.

3. Strict aseptic operation during blood transfusion, ensure blood transfusion with appropriate blood transfusion equipment, do not shake the blood bag violently, and rinse the test tube with 0.9% sodium chloride injection before and after blood transfusion. Follow the principle of slow first and then fast to control the infusion speed, start slow infusion for 15 minutes, closely observe the patient's condition changes, if there is no adverse reaction, adjust the titration speed according to the condition, age and blood type. The function of platelets decreases with the extension of storage time, so the platelets taken from the blood bank should be transfused as soon as possible, at the fastest speed that the patient can tolerate, so as to achieve the purpose of hemostasis. The infusion should be completed within 5 hours and continuous titration should be ensured.

Medical Disposable Infusion Set

4. Shortly after the infusion, the infusion speed slows down or stops. The reason for this is.

① Venous spasm: Local venous spasm is the body's response to cold drinks and intermittent flowing infusion; hot compresses can dilate the veins and increase the speed of blood transfusion.

②Folding of the blood transfusion tube: the tube is folded due to external factors, and the folded place can be opened and fixed.

③The replacement of blood transfusion equipment is not timely: the standard blood transfusion set filter can filter out blood clots and denatured platelets and white blood cells accumulated during storage, but if the same blood transfusion set is used continuously for more than 5 hours, some blood components in the filter will adhere , Precipitation affects the drip rate, and the infusion set needs to be replaced.

④ Blocked cannula: If the cannula is blocked, it needs to be re-intubated.

5. During the infusion process, closely observe whether the patient has an infusion reaction. Once abnormal symptoms such as chills, high fever, respiratory distress, and severe low back pain appear, the infusion should be stopped immediately and a doctor should be reported for treatment.

6. What needs to be emphasized is: blood transfusion can only be taken after taking medicine for 10 minutes before blood transfusion, especially calcium gluconate is easy to react with substances in plasma to form colloid and block the needle. The blood taken back by the patient from the blood bank must be combined with the blood bank of the hospital before it can be provided to the patient.

Medical Disposable Infusion Set Wholesaler - CMC

CMC Medical Tech Co., Ltd. was established in 2010. Our main business is disposable medical consumable. We have established long-term cooperation with medical device manufacturers and pharmaceutical service company in more than 20 countries around the world with first-class quick response and one-stop supply consulting solutions.

Posted in Default Category on December 21 at 05:12 AM

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