Main technological process of beer tank

The main technological process of beer tank consists of rice washing, mixing and dressing, fermentation and pressing, water appearing in the nest, separating, adding water for fermentation, clarifying and aging, etc. Next, beer tank introduces the details of the technological process.

1. Select rice washing: Select high-quality glutinous rice, wash it several times, wash clean pulp and soak it in water. The water layer is about 20 centimeters higher than the rice layer. Soaking water temperature and time: winter, spring 15℃ below 14 hours, 25℃ below 8 hours in summer, with rice grains soaked without white heart for degrees, summer replacement of water 1 ~ 2 times, so that it is not acid.

2. Mix Qu container: put the rice in the fermenter after cooking, pour cold water evenly on the rice, one to make the rice grains will not stick, two to cool down, until the rice temperature drops to 36 ~ 38℃ is not hot, and then sprinkle into wine Qu. If it is blocky koji, it needs to be crushed into powder before sprinkling, or it can be boiled in cold water before pouring together. Then stir the koji into the mixture. Reserve a small amount of koji for later use. (It is easier to stir when treated with cool water, the rice has taken in some water, and it is easier to observe the exudation of liquor during the first leaven. When mixing koji, put a layer of rice, add a little wine koji stir, add layer by layer, stir layer by layer)

3. Fermentation press: compact the glutinous rice, make a pit deep to the bottom of the container (the pit is mainly used to observe the seepage of wine during the brewing process), then add a little water to the remaining wine, stick the water on the flat surface of the glutinous rice with your hands, and then cover it. It is not appropriate to completely seal the container, because the early saccharification process needs some oxygen, so it can be kept relatively closed. Keep the temperature about 30 degrees, room temperature in summer, winter can be placed next to the heating or use hot water bags, quilts. The low should be kept above 20 degrees, and the high should not be 40 degrees. Check the temperature with a thermometer. After 2-3 days, the lid can be opened for inspection. If a large amount of liquor is found in the pit, add water of about 33 degrees according to the raw rice 1:1.5, stir and seal. Like strong wine, a little water. After loading, the rice will rise to the surface due to internal fermentation. Therefore, every 3 or 4 days, stir the rice to the water, and cover the altar tightly. After 20 to 25 days of fermentation, the altar will emit a strong aroma of wine, the rice gradually sinks, the wine began to clarify, indicating that the fermentation is basically over. At this time can open the altar of material, the wine filter press.

After 4.2-3 days, water appeared in the nest and separated.

5. Add water to ferment

6. Clarification aging: The pressed wine will continue to ferment and bubble. If you want to stabilize the sweetness and wine, you should stop the fermentation and heat it in a stainless steel pan at about 70 degrees and cool it naturally. Extract the top sake, sake put 1 month natural clarification, remove the bottom wine residue, filling.

beer tank

Posted in Default Category on February 02 at 01:47 AM

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