The structure characteristics and application range of dust extraction arm providers are introduced

dust extraction arm providers are widely used in metallurgical industry steel blast furnace, raw material coal injection preparation and other factories, building materials industry, electric power, chemical industry, carbon black, green concrete mixing, boiler, flue gas dust removal and other industries of dust treatment and material recovery.

dust extraction arm providers can be widely used in metallurgy, mining, building materials, casting, chemical, tobacco, asphalt, cement, machinery, grain, mechanical processing dust and dust collection system.

The material of the filter bag is generally polyester needle felt, which allows continuous use of temperature ≤120℃, such as the filter bag using Matas high temperature needle felt, the allowable use temperature can reach 208℃. If the treated exhaust gas temperature is higher than the allowable temperature of the above filter material, cooling measures should be adopted before the exhaust gas enters the dust collector. This series of dust collector can be combined with a variety of different specifications of dust collector according to different specifications of the solenoid valve, this series of dust collector can be operated under negative pressure or positive pressure, its body structure does not change arbitrarily, the dust collection rate is good, the dust concentration of the purification gas is less than 50mg/m3, this series of dust collector if used in cold areas or smoke below zero need to add thermal insulation heating device, the shell should also be changed accordingly.

Let's take a look at the structural characteristics of dust extraction arm providers:

First, the design of correct air inlet flow equalization pipe and ash bucket diversion technology, long bag dust extraction arm providers to solve the general bag dust collector often produced by the uneven flow of each chamber phenomenon.

Second, the design of a particularly large reserve of pulse valve gas storage bag can be used when the user provides high pressure (G type) gas source or low pressure (D type) gas source.

In the structural design of the bag cage, dust extraction arm providers can have a variety of structural types (octagonal, circular, etc.) according to different working conditions, which have strict requirements for the manufacture of the bag cage.

4. dust extraction arm providers have plate-type lifting valve, off-line three-state flight clearing mechanism, technology, work and thorough dust removal.

5. The standard length of the bag cage is 3M. If the user's space is limited, the long bag dust extraction arm providers can also be increased by 1-2M according to needs, so that the equipment covers a smaller area than other blowback air precipitators and conventional pulse precipitators when handling the same air volume. It can save 30-50%, and the weight of the equipment can be reduced by about 40%.

6. The upper end of the filter bag adopts the spring expansion ring type, which not only has good sealing performance, but also is simple when repairing and changing the cloth bag. The dust extraction arm providers of the long bag realize the bag changing outside the machine.

7. Electromagnetic pulse valve adopts entry port parts, and the service life of the vulnerable parts diaphragm is more than L1 million times.

8. The program controller used in the control of dust extraction arm providers has three control modes: differential pressure, timing and manual. It can realize the whole system control of the dust collector off-line valve, pulse valve ash discharge valve, etc. If required, auxiliary alarm control can be carried out on the sensing components on the body, such as temperature and material level.

dust extraction arm providers

Posted in Default Category on July 18 at 05:16 AM

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