Towards Truly Sustainable Packaging Through Innovation

While compostable plastic packaging seems preferable to conventional plastic, it remains single-use which exacerbates waste issues. At Otarapack, we offer plant-based solutions that address this concern through reusable, returnable and optimized design approaches.

Optimizing Design to Reduce Waste

By minimizing excess materials, we craft durable eco friendly packaging boxes requiring less plastic coating or liner sheets. Nested designs for shipping save up to 30% space per pallet. Such optimization cuts costs while producing less discard.

Switching to Reusable and Refill Options

Reusable totes, trays and molded fiber containers are rugged enough for multiple trips. Partners like grocery chains utilize our returnable plastic crates brimming with produce, eliminating single-trip containers.

System Benefits
Reusable Totes Durable for weekly shopping trips, reducing plastic bags
Refillable Crates Looping containers cuts shipping case waste in half

Embracing the Compostability of Plant-Based Materials for Eco Friendly Packaging Boxes

Our agricultural residue and sugarcane formulated molds, boxes and films safely break down in industrial composting within months, returning nutrients to soil. This closes the loop on packaging waste.


Contact us to discuss how customized solutions help brands optimize designs, increase reusability and embrace true sustainability through compostable, reusable and returnable packaging systems.

Posted in Default Category on July 12 at 03:35 AM

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