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"RuneScape" 99 Firemaking Guide
About the Firemaking feature in RuneScape
It's a fairly simple and quick skill to advance up to 99. It requires lots of attention and clicking when you are looking to master it. Therefore, you should be prepared to invest lots of effort and time in order to reach the level cape. Achieving 99 on this skill can cost you money therefore it's not something you should be doing in order to earn money, rather than use it to spend it.
Level 1-15 Level 1-15: Normal Logs
Items Required: Tinderbox, 61 Logs
Varrock and Falador are two very popular locations to burn wood. It is all you need is a place with no obstructions blocking the long line to ensure that you can burn the entire 27 logs continuously. To light the logs simply click the tinderbox to make use of it by putting the log in. It will ignite a single log. After successfully starting the fire you'll shift one space so that you can start burning another log. The lighting of logs in succession will help speed up the fire-making process so ensure you're paying attention. begin the next fire as soon as you have moved.
Stage 15-30 Oak Logs
Items Required: Tinderbox, 183 Oak Logs
There's nothing different between normal logs and the oak logs besides the type of log. You can stay in the place you decide to burn repeating the procedure only for oak logs. Each log provides 60XP and you'll have in order to fire up 183 logs in order to get to the level 30.
30 to 45: Willow Logs
Items Required: Tinderbox, 535 Willow Logs
In the end, there's nothing new in this. Burn 535 willow logs and you'll be at in the 45th percentile. Willow logs are inexpensive, and it won't cost you any money.
Niveau 45-83 Maple Logs
This is where you are able to select the type of burning you want to perform based on the amount of money you're willing to invest and how fast you'd like to get to level. If you're already 83 in Woodcutting it is possible to switch to something else you can change to at the level of 83. It is absolutely free and gives you a fast experience, while also earning you woodcutting skills. From the point of 45 up to 83. you'll require 19.346 logs of maple in total. If you decide to burn maple logs between 45 to 99 to reduce costs, you'll be burning the equivalent of 96.096 logs.
From Levels 83-99 Curly Roots
Items Required: Hatchet Tinderbox, Juju teleport spiritbag
From level 83 up to 99 at which point you'll be required to burn 27361 curly roots all. Also, you will require 83 woodcutting skills to chop these roots, however. Make use of the Juju teleport and follow the directions in the video to the right side to reach the lair. Then, you will cut the curly roots. Then, when you've got a full supply, you can utilize them to light the fire in the lair to increase the experience of making fire. You will get 2 roots from the vines growing. The roots are free of amount, and could be a great way to get 99. or perhaps a great way to experience some new things when you're bored with burning logs.
Between levels 60 and 99: Yew Logs (Optional)
From levels from 60-99. you'll have to burn a total of 63.016 yew logging. This isn't recommended, however due to the fact that the cost of yew logs is expensive. However, if you've got lots of money and do not care about it, this might be a viable option to save time.
Level 75-99 Level 75-99: Magic Logs (Optional)
To get to level 99 using 75 magic logs that are burning You will have to Cheap OSRS GP burn 38.921 magic logs. This option is also not recommended as it will cost you a large amount of money in order to earn 99 points and won't save you the time.
Posted in Default Category on July 29 at 10:42 PM

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