Why are surgical gowns green or blue?

Doctors who relieve patients have always been known as "angels in white", and they are synonymous with medical workers. However, I don't know if you have noticed that doctors put on green surgical gowns when they perform operations, so why is it not white?

It is not difficult to imagine that doctors spend most of the operation time focusing on blood-red tissue or organ work. In this case, the doctor's brain is prone to "oversaturation". That is to say after the brain is continuously exposed to the same kind of things or the same stimulation, it will produce neural fatigue. With the advancement of the operation time, the doctor's eye's ability to distinguish red will gradually decline, and then the subtle difference between red in various parts will be unable to distinguish, so at this time, it is necessary to shift the eyes to green from time to time to keep the brain's awareness of red sensitivity.

Surgical Gown

But maybe you'll want to move to white or something, isn't it? But the answer is no. During the operation, the doctor's eyes are always bright red blood. If the medical staff wears white surgical gowns in the operating room, after a long time, when the surgeon suddenly turns his attention to the white surgical gown of his partner, he will see the spotted "green bloodstain" on the white surgical gown. It is easy to cause the doctor to have an afterimage illusion. This is very dangerous for patients undergoing surgery.

This is actually a phenomenon called "persistence of vision", also known as "afterglow". It means that when people observe a scene, after the object moves or the vision shifts to another scene, the eyes can continue to retain the picture of the previous scene, and the duration is about 0.1 to 0.4 seconds. The more visually stimulating or tiring it is, the longer the residual image will be. In order to reduce this fatigue, the optic nerve induces a complementary color for self-regulation.

Scientists have done a very simple experiment, first paint bright red on white cloth. When you stare at this red cloth for a while and then turn to another white cloth, you will see a light green with the same size and shape as the red cloth. The pattern on the white cloth will disappear after a few seconds. . Therefore, light green is the complementary color of red, so this color of clothing is used for surgical gowns. It can not only eliminate the green illusion caused by visual complementary colors, and improve the sensitivity of doctors to red; but also reduce the fatigue of their optic nerves, so as to ensure the smooth operation of the operation and avoid the occurrence of medical accidents.

From the perspective of anti-pollution, blood is generally seen in both major and minor operations. If you are wearing white or other light-colored surgical gowns, the blood will be very obvious. The patient will inevitably feel nervous and scared, and the doctor will be uneasy and will feel that the surgical gown is so contaminated that it cannot be worn.

The surgical gown is made of a contrasting color of red blood, green or blue-green. Even if it is splashed with blood, the color will be weakened, leaving no bright red blood, and most of it is brown. At the same time, blue-green can keep people's minds calm through visual effects, which is beneficial for doctors to perform operations, and the green represents a kind of vitality. When doctors wear this surgical gown during surgery, it can also bring a kind of life to the patient. hope.

As a Chinese manufacturer of surgical gowns, Innovision Medical provides high-quality surgical gowns. If you are interested in surgical gowns, please pay attention to our website.


Posted in Default Category on July 06 at 03:31 AM

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