wholesale nabla clip rail fastening system of nature

The wholesale nabla clip rail fastening system is an important component used to fix railway tracks, the quality of which is directly related to the safety and stability of railways. The following introduces the nature of wholesale nabla clip rail fastening system from several aspects such as materials, specifications and performance.

I. Materials

At present, the main materials for the wholesale nabla clip rail fastening system are redheart wood and steel plates. Redheart fir is a kind of wood with excellent mechanical properties, with very high antibacterial, corrosion resistance and wear resistance, which can effectively prevent corrosion and crack appearance in the production of wholesale nabla clip rail fastening system. The steel plate is a kind of high-strength, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant metal material, which is used more in the construction of high-quality railways such as high-speed railways.

Ii. Specifications

The specifications of the wholesale nabla clip rail fastening system are determined by the length, width and thickness of the platen. In general, the standard wholesale nabla clip rail fastening system is 0.6 meters long, 0.14 meters wide and 0.028 meters thick. This type of pressure plate is used more in ordinary railways, and in high-speed railways, because of the need for more stringent restrictions, the specifications will be different, and the specific specifications need to be determined according to actual requirements.

Iii. Performance

1. Compression performance: wholesale nabla clip rail fastening system needs to have high compression performance to prevent deformation and fracture when ensuring the weight of the rail.

2, wear resistance: the track has a long use time, so the wholesale nabla clip rail fastening system needs to have good wear resistance to keep the surface clean and flat for a long time.

3, deformation resistance: wholesale nabla clip rail fastening system needs to have a good deformation resistance to ensure that the rail is not subjected to external forces can still maintain stability.

4, corrosion resistance: wholesale nabla clip rail fastening system needs to withstand a long time of rain soaking and sunlight exposure when used, at the same time, it also needs to withstand the conductive corrosion of the railway overhead contact line, so it needs to have good corrosion resistance.

5, seismic performance: The seismic performance of the wholesale nabla clip rail fastening system is one of the important factors to ensure the safety of railway operation.

wholesale nabla clip rail fastening system https://www.hbrailwayfastening.com/Nabla-Clip-Rail-Fastening-System

Posted in Default Category on January 20 at 03:04 AM

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