The unqualified rate of non-medical masks was 33.5%, and the General Administration of Market Supervision announced the results of 12 kinds of online product quality sampling.

Original title: The unqualified rate of non-medical masks was 33.5%, and the General Administration of Market Supervision announced the results of the national sampling of the quality of 12 kinds of products sold online. In 2021, the General Administration of Market Supervision organized a national supervision and spot check on the quality of 12 kinds of online products, such as leisure clothing. The spot check is reported as follows: I. Basic Information (1) Spot check products and platforms. Twelve kinds of online products, including leisure clothing, bedding, women's underwear, down clothing, down quilts, mobile phones for the elderly, massage appliances, fabric steam engines, beauty instruments, wooden furniture, non-medical masks and electronic locks, were sampled. It involves 21 e-commerce platforms such as Tianmao, Jingdong, Pinduoduo, Tik Tok, Suning Easy-to-buy, Vipshop, Xiaohongshu, Xiaomi Youpin, Taobao, Dangdang, True Happiness (Gome), Yunji, Netease Yanxuan, Tianhong, Mushroom Street, Beibei Net, Diantao, Huawei Mall, Koala Haishou, Kuaishou and Meow Street. (2) Overview of spot checks. A total of 2062 batches of products produced by 1932 enterprises were sampled. Among them, 313 batches of products suspected of being unlicensed, unlicensed, factory address, counterfeit and so on have been handed over to the market supervision department of the place where the enterprise is located. 1749 batches of products produced by 1624 enterprises were inspected, 386 batches of products were found to be unqualified, and the unqualified rate was 22.1%. II. Analysis of Spot Check Results List of Unqualified Products and Enterprises in National Supervision and Spot Check on the Quality of Non-medical Masks Sold Online in 2021 The unqualified rate of non-medical masks was 33.5%. 270 batches of non-medical mask products produced by 260 enterprises in 17 provinces (cities) were sampled, of which 10 batches were suspected of counterfeiting and were handed over to the local market supervision department. Of the 260 batches of products inspected, 87 batches were found to be unqualified, and the unqualified rate was 33.5%. This time, nine items were tested, including filtration efficiency, particulate matter filtration efficiency, protective effect, air tightness of exhalation valve, respiratory resistance, inhalation resistance, exhalation resistance, ventilation resistance and pressure difference. The unqualified items involve filtration efficiency, protection effect, ventilation resistance and particulate matter filtration efficiency. According to the analysis of technical institutions, the main reasons for the unqualified products are as follows: first, the mask manufacturers are not familiar with the standard requirements and do not select qualified materials according to the explicit standard requirements; second, the mask and filter material manufacturers have poor production technology, resulting in unstable product quality, poor filtering performance or easy attenuation. This spot check mainly involves enterprises in industrial agglomeration areas such as Guangdong Province, Anhui Province and Jiangsu Province. 50 batches, 42 batches and 37 batches of products were sampled and inspected respectively, and the unqualified rates were 28.0%, 50.0% and 24.3% respectively. III. Relevant requirements Expand the full text In view of the problems found in the national supervision and spot check on the quality of online products, the market supervision bureaus (departments and commissions) of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps should do the following work well: (1) Strengthen the processing of spot check results. In accordance with the provisions of the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China and the Interim Measures for the Administration of Product Quality Supervision and Spot Inspection, we should do a good job in handling the results of supervision and spot inspection. To urge e-commerce platforms to immediately remove substandard products from shelves. Sealing up and detaining unqualified products according to law, ordering enterprises selling unqualified products to stop selling the same products, and comprehensively cleaning up and disposing of unqualified products in stock according to law. To order the production enterprises of unqualified products to stop producing and selling the same products, and to clarify the rectification requirements, urge the implementation of rectification measures, and organize timely review. Those suspected of committing crimes shall be promptly transferred to judicial organs. Enterprises with serious violations of law and dishonesty shall be included in the list of enterprises with serious violations of law and dishonesty according to law. The results should be recorded in the e-CQS system in time and submitted to the General Administration. The General Administration will strengthen follow-up supervision and report the results to all localities according to the situation. (2) Supervise the implementation of the main responsibility. The local government and relevant departments will be informed of the unqualified products in this spot check, and effective measures will be taken to urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility of product quality and safety according to law, guide enterprises to organize production in strict accordance with standards, and ensure product quality and safety. (3) Strengthen quality and technical assistance. Organize relevant industry organizations and technical institutions to help enterprises find out the reasons in depth, put forward improvement measures and solutions, and promote the improvement of industry quality level. List of Unqualified Products and Enterprises in National Supervision and Spot Inspection of the Quality of 12 Kinds of Online Products, Such as Leisure Clothing, in 2021 No. Product Type Nominal Inspected Store Nominal Production Unit Nominal Production Unit Location Product Name Specification Model Product Grade Production Date/Batch No. Major Unqualified Items Inspection Agency E-commerce Platform 258 Non-medical Mask Lvzhiyuan Flagship Store Beijing Dongrui Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Disposable Protective Mask 175 × 95mm Tolerance ± 1cm (Large)/Flat Type Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 259 Non-medical Mask Hemerocallis Hemerocallis Qidong Store Shijiazhuang Hemerocalis Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Hebei Province Disposable Protective Mask 9.5cm 17.5cm Tolerance ± 5% Three-layer Structure Qualified Product, Protective Effect Level: D 2021/08/15 Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 260 Non-medical Mask Dongguan Planet Official Flagship Store Shanghai Aogao Medical Devices Co., Ltd. Shanghai Disposable Protective Mask (Non-medical) Flat Ear-hanging/175mm × 95mm Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 261 Non-medical masks Baige Industrial Products Jingdong Self-operated Zone Jiangsu Dingfeng Industrial Technology Co., Ltd. Jiangsu disposable masks (non-medical) 17.5cm 9.5cm (≥) qualified products, protection level: level 3 filtration efficiency, protection effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Jingdong 262 Non-medical Mask Zhiqu I Tomson Mother and Baby Museum Wujin District Lijia Baolaiyi Sanitary Products Factory Jiangsu Province Children's Three-dimensional Disposable Mask (Non-medical) Specification: 13 cm 9 cm Qualified Product Ventilation Resistance Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tik Tok 263 Non-medical Mask Supply Chain Zhonghe (Jiangsu) Protective Products Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Province Disposable Protective Mask (Non-medical) Ear Type 17.59.5 (± 0.5) cm Three-layer Qualified Product Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. 264 Non-medical Masks Qiuye Home Store Wujin District Lijia Yikang Sanitary Products Factory Jiangsu Province Disposable Masks (Non-medical) 175mm 95mm Qualified Products Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Suning Easy-to-buy 265 Non-medical Mask icree Changshu Kemei Quilting Products Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Province Disposable Protective Mask (Non-medical) KM17595 17.5 × 9.5cm ± 0.5cm Qualified Product 2021/09/05/KM2021-905X Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Taobao 266 Non-medical Mask Warm Friends Flagship Store Jiangsu Meilan Medical Devices Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Comfortable Three-layer Three-dimensional Protective Mask 95135mm Qualified Product 2021.01.26 Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 267 Non-medical Masks Midland Medical Devices Flagship Store Suzhou Fengluzhuan Safety Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Province Disposable Protective Masks (Non-medical)/Filter Efficiency of Qualified Products, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 268 Non-medical Masks Yingdu Department Store Flagship Store Changzhou Yunyan Sanitary Products Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Province Disposable Protective Masks 175mm 95mm Qualified Products January 10,Virus Prevention Mask 3 Ply with Earloop, 2021 Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. 269 Non-Medical Mask Teyu Home Store Yangzhou Runmi Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Province Disposable Protective Mask (Ordinary Non-Medical) Specification: 17.5cm 9.5cm Protective Effect Level: Grade D Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Suning Easy-to-buy 270 Non-medical mask Yichu Supply Chain 1 Zhejiang Xinwei Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. Zhejiang disposable protective mask (non-medical) model: face mask 2002 XW, size: 17.5cm 9.5cm qualified product, grade: D filtering efficiency, protective effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. 271 Non-medical Mask Drunken Cool Display Store Zhejiang Laribeibei Commodity Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Good Quality Disposable Mask Product Specification: 17590mm Qualified Product/Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Xiaohongshu 272 Non-medical Mask Jucheng Household Products Flagship Store Yiwu Jucheng Household Products Co., Ltd. Zhejiang KN95 Three-dimensional Protective Mask 160 × 110mm Qualified Product January 22, 2021 Filtration Efficiency Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Suning Easy-to-buy 273 Non-medical Mask Maitian Guard Flagship Store Ningbo Maijia Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Three-dimensional Disposable Mask/Qualified Product 2021/09/06 Filtration Efficiency, Protection Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 274 Non-medical Masks Blue Ink Flagship Store Jinhua Guoqi Daily Department Store Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Disposable Masks (Non-medical) 17.5 × 9.5 (± 1%) Qualified Particulate Matter Filtration Efficiency Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 275 Non-medical Mask Haoyigou Home Flagship Store Dongyang Lidun Protective Products Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Disposable Mask (Non-medical) 17.5cm 9.5cm Ear Type Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 276 Non-medical Mask Zhuqi Flagship Store Zhuqi Trading (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. Zhejiang KN95 Protective Mask/Filter Efficiency of Qualified Products Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 277 Non-Medical Mask Kuyigao Flagship Store Lanxi Shuangqiu Textile Factory Zhejiang Disposable Daily Protective Mask (Non-Medical) 17.59.5cm (3ply) Qualified Product 2020/03/25 Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 278 Non-Medical Mask Levison Xingya Store Dongyang Xinluer Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Province Disposable Flat Mask Specification Model: Flat Hanging Ear 17.5cm 9.5cm G-168 Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Jingdong 279 Non-medical Mask Xiaoyu E-commerce Haowu Wenzhou Kangdun Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Province Disposable Mask (Non-medical) Model: KD-011, Model Specification: 209.5cm Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. 280 Non-medical Mask First Pass Huadeng Household Products Store Quzhou Grauwe Garment Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Province Disposable Protective Mask (Non-medical) Product Specification: 17.59.5cm, Model: GFM001 Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Suning Easy-to-buy 281 Non-medical Mask brodio Flagship Store Hangzhou Jessica Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Brodio Disposable Three-layer Protective Mask Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 282 Non-medical Mask Xuanbao Xiaoyu Anhui Fanzhou Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Anhui Disposable Protective Mask (Non-medical) Specification: 17.5cm × 9.5cm (± 0.5%) Model: Medium Qualified Product 2021/08/08/HN2021A Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. 283 Non-Medical Mask TOGETHERFLOWER Flagship Store Anhui Guolin Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Anhui Province Mask (Disposable Non-Medical) 17.5cm 9.5cm Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Xiaohongshu 284 Non-medical Mask HANASS Medical Devices Jingdong Self-operated Flagship Store Anhui Hantang Medical Supplies Technology Co., Ltd. Anhui Disposable Children's Flat Mask Product Category: Children's Sanitary Mask (W), Product Size: 14.5 × 9.5cm ± 0.5cm, Product specification: Medium (M) qualified product 2020.12.11 Ventilation resistance Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Jingdong 285 Non-medical Mask Anhui Runjian Official Flagship Store Anhui Runjian Sanitary Materials Co., Ltd. Anhui Folding Mask (KN95) Non-medical 125mm × 90mm ± 5% Filter Efficiency of Qualified Products Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 286 Non-medical Mask Weixin Home Life Store Tongcheng Jinnuo Protective Products Co., Ltd. Anhui Province Copper Oxide Antibacterial Inactivation Mask Product Model: KN95 CM-06, 3 Ply Disposable Protective Face Mask ,Quickly Delivery Disposable Protective Clothing, Product Specification: 20.58.5cm Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 287 Non-medical Masks Shusonghui Flagship Store Anhui Songhui Daily Chemical Products Co., Ltd. Anhui Self-priming Filter Particulate Respirator (Non-medical) Disposable Mask Qualified Product September 11, 2021 Filtration Efficiency Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 288 Non-medical Mask Tuge Flagship Store Anhui Minkang Sanitary Products Co., Ltd. Anhui Disposable Protective Mask (Non-medical) Ear (17.59.5cm) Filter Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 289 Non-medical Mask Jisidai Flagship Store Anhui Kangbei Protective Products Co., Ltd. Anhui Disposable Protective Mask (Non-medical) Medium/175 × 95mm (± 5) Qualified Product, Protection Grade: DJanuary 6, 2021 Filtration Efficiency, Protection Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 290 Non-medical Mask Cover You Mask Shop Jieshou Hongda Mask Production and Processing Factory Anhui Province Disposable Mask Plane Ear Hanging Type 175mm × 95mm Qualified Product 2020-05-16 Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Taobao 291 Non-medical Mask Anhui Jiecheng Sanitary Material Co., Ltd. Anhui Jiecheng Sanitary Material Co., Ltd. Anhui KN95 Protective Mask/Qualified Product August 2, 2021 Filtration Efficiency Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 292 Non-medical Mask Liangxiu Medical Store Anhui Aijia Outlets Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. Anhui Nano Copper Protective Mask (Non-medical) Ear Type 17.59.5cm Qualified Product 2021-01-18 Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 293 Non-medical Mask Zhuoqin Medical Equipment Flagship Store Tianchang Yunxiang Hat Industry Co., Ltd. Anhui Province Disposable Mask 17.5X9.5 (cm) Qualified Product April 2021 Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Jingdong 294 Non-medical Mask Yayuan Shop Anhui Guolin Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Anhui Mask (Disposable Non-medical) Product Specification: 17.5CM 9.5CM Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. 295 Non-medical Mask Rainbow Street Good Things Recommendation Anqing Simu Labor Protection Products Co., Ltd. Anhui Province Disposable Flat Mask (Non-medical) Specification: 17.59.5cm Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. 296 Non-medical Mask Qiaoxiang Official Flagship Store Anhui Hongai Industrial Co., Ltd. Anhui 3D Disposable Mask (Non-medical) M Code (172mm × 140mm) Filter Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 297 Non-medical Masks Huawo Health Care Equipment Store Anhui Ruierxin Protective Products Co., Ltd. Anhui 3D Protective Masks (Non-medical) Average Code Qualified Products Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Jingdong 298 Non-medical Mask Tianping Zhaohui Official Flagship Store Anhui Tianping Zhaohui Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. Anhui Tianping Chaohui Plane Disposable Protective Mask Product No.: TP-4306, Specification Size: 17.59.5cm Qualified Product, Protective Effect: Grade D January 20, 2021 Filtration Efficiency Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. 299 Non-medical Mask Grade and Stunning Huainan Jisan Protective Products Co., Ltd. Anhui Disposable Protective Mask (Non-medical) 17.59.5 Flat Ear Type Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 300 Non-medical Mask OIMG Nini Store Anhui Niuer Trading Co., Ltd. Anhui 3D Protective Mask (Non-medical) 170142/M Filter Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Jingdong 301 Non-medical Masks Rampage New Century Anhui Yingken International Trade Co., Ltd. Anhui Disposable Civil Protective Masks (Non-medical) 175mm95mm Filter Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Taobao 302 Non-medical Mask Yiyanji Flagship Store Anqing Lanzhi Labor Protection Products Co., Ltd. Anhui Disposable Flat Mask (Non-medical) 17.5 × 9.5CM Filter Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 303 Non-medical Mask Dimi Mother and Baby Official Flagship Store Wuhan Wangsusheng Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. Fujian Disposable Children's Sanitary Mask (S) Specification and Model: 145mm90mm ± 5% Qualified Product Ventilation Resistance Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Jingdong 304 Non-medical Mask Malone Rat Flagship Store Quanzhou Malone Rat Protective Products Co., Ltd. Fujian Malone Mouse Daily Protection Disposable Mask Size: 17.5 × 9.5cm Qualified Product, Protection Grade: Grade D 2021/07/08 Filtration Efficiency, Protection Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Xiaohongshu 305 Non-medical Mask Jinjie Trading Quanzhou Libangshun Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. Fujian Libangshun Three-dimensional Fish-shaped Protective Mask (Non-medical) Specification: Ear hanging type: 18 × 7.5cm Filter efficiency of qualified products Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 306 Non-Medical Mask Qilesi Medical Equipment Flagship Store Fuqing Yixingtang Sanitary Products Co., Ltd. Fujian Province Disposable Protective Mask (Non-Medical) Specification: Medium 175mm95mm (± 5%) Qualified Product Protection Grade: Grade D 2021/08/05 Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 307 Non-medical Mask Aosenlang Flagship Store Ganzhou Zhongke Tuoyouda Intelligent Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. Jiangxi Province Self-priming Filter Anti-particle Mask Model: KN95 Folding Ear Hanging Product Specification: 16 cm 10.6 cm Filter Efficiency of Qualified Products Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Jingdong 308 Non-medical Mask Rou Zhi Xuan Flagship Store Jiangxi Hualida Industrial Co., Ltd. Jiangxi Rou Zhi Xuan Disposable Protective Mask Product Style: Hanging Ear Qualified Product August 20, 2021 Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Really Happy (Gome) 309 Non-medical Mask Wanjie Haowu Store Shangrao Zhongkang Medical and Sanitary Materials Co., Ltd. Jiangxi Three-layer Protective Disposable Mask (Non-medical) Specification: Medium Qualified Product, Protection Level: D Filtration Efficiency, Protection Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. 310 Non-medical Mask Jiangxi Hedun Enterprise Store Jiangxi Hedun Medical Devices Co., Ltd. Jiangxi KN95 Protective Mask/Filter Efficiency of Qualified Products Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 311 Non-medical Mask Weipudun Official Flagship Store Qingdao Weipudun Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Shandong KN95 (Korean version KF94) Mask (non-medical) Specification: 205 mm × 83mm Filter efficiency of qualified products Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 312 Non-medical Mask Liyue Home Flagship Store Qingdao Yajie Technology Co., Ltd. Shandong Province Disposable Protective Mask (Non-medical) Product Size: 17.5cm × 9.5cm, Model: Flat Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 313 Non-medical Masks Qihu Flagship Store Gaomi Gangpu Labor Protection Products Co., Ltd. Shandong Province Self-priming Filter Particulate Respirator Model: 9501 + Product Size: 165mm × 105mm Qualified Product June 6, 2021 Filtration Efficiency Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 314 Non-medical Mask Piaochi PIAOCHI Home Official Flagship Store Qingdao Deya Medical Devices Co., Ltd. Shandong Province Disposable Protective Mask Ear Hanging Type: 175mm95mm Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 315 Non-medical Mask Xihe Official Flagship Store Qingdao Xinghuiwang Labor Protection Products Co., Ltd. Shandong KN95 Protective Mask XH-008 Filter Efficiency Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 316 Non-medical Mask China PPE Mall Linyi Dianya Safety Technology Co., Ltd. Shandong Province Mask (non-medical) KN95 15.5cm 10.5cm/Model: 9901 (ear band) Filter efficiency of qualified products Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Taobao 317 Non-medical Mask Siwo Flagship Store Shandong Sinuo Medical Devices Co., Ltd. Shandong Children's Health Mask (W) 145 × 90 (mm) K90 Medium (M) Qualified Product Ventilation Resistance Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 318 Non-medical Mask Selection Flagship Store Shangqiu Qinpai Medical Devices Co., Ltd. Henan Province Daily Protective Mask (Non-medical) Flat Ear Hanging 17.5cm 9.5cm Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 319 Non-medical Mask Moyan Youpin Shop Xinxiang Kangyi Medical Devices Co., Ltd. Henan Province Disposable Mask (Non-medical) Specification: 17.5cm × 9.5cm Qualified Product Protective Effect Grade: Grade D Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. 320 Non-medical Mask Meimeihaowu No.8 Shop Xiantao Jiuchang Protective Products Co., Ltd. Hubei Province Disposable Mask (Non-medical) Rubber Ear Hanging (17.59.5cm) Qualified Product Ventilation Resistance Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. 321 Non-medical Masks Ganyue Official Flagship Store Xiantao Aisent Protective Products Co., Ltd. Hubei Disposable Protective Masks (Non-medical) 175mmx95mm (not unfolded) Filter efficiency and protective effect of qualified products Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Suning Easy-to-buy 322 Non-medical Masks Gebeli Flagship Store Xiantao Chengerya Protective Products Co., Ltd. Hubei Disposable Protective Masks (Non-medical) 17.59.5 (cm) Three-layer Qualified Products Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Xiaohongshu 323 Non-medical Mask KWD Mask Flagship Store Xiantao Weiboneng Protective Products Co., Ltd. Hubei Disposable Flat Children's Mask (Non-medical) Specification: 14.5cm 9.5cm, Model: Ear Hanging Qualified Product Ventilation Resistance Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Jingdong 324 Non-medical Mask Green Wave Protective Products Xiantao Green Wave Protective Products Co., Ltd. Hubei Disposable Protective Mask/Qualified Product/Filtration Efficiency Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Taobao 325 Non-medical Mask Weishuang Home Store Hubei Yinshun Protective Products Co., Ltd. Hubei Disposable Non-woven Mask 17.59.5CM Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Really Happy (Gome) 326 Non-medical mask Qinqin Xiaoke Xiantao Zhongkang Non-woven Products Co., Ltd. Hubei disposable mask (non-medical)/qualified product, particulate matter filtration grade: Grade A ventilation resistance Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. 327 Non-medical Mask Shangmeiyouyoupin Xiantao Yipin Non-woven Products Co., Ltd. Hubei Province Disposable Mask (Non-medical)/Particulate Filter Grade: Class A 2021-08-01 Ventilation Resistance Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tik Tok 328 Non-medical Mask Ness Department Store Hubei Kangshuo Protective Products Co., Ltd. Hubei Non-medical Disposable Protective Mask Product Specification: 17.59.5cm Qualified Product June 20, 2021/1240 Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Suning Easy-to-buy 329 Non-medical Masks Litong Home Department Store Xiantao Maihong Protective Products Co., Ltd. Hubei Disposable Non-woven Masks 17.5cm 9.5cm Qualified Products 2021.8.27 Particulate Filtration Efficiency Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Really Happy (Gome) 330 Non-medical Mask Boyu Blue Medical Equipment Flagship Store Guangdong Boyu Blue Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong Province Disposable Protective Mask (Non-medical) Product Specification: 17.5cm × 9.5cm Protective Effect Level: Grade B Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Suning Easy-to-buy 331 Non-medical Mask folca Mask Jingdong Self-operated Flagship Store Shenzhen Oubei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. Guangdong Province Disposable Protective Mask Product Model: A0866, Specification: 17.5cm 9.5cm Filter Efficiency of Qualified Products Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Jingdong 332 Non-medical Masks Mingyu Life Daily Flagship Store Guangdong Chunkang Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong KN95 Protective Mask · White 205 mm 80 mm Filtration Efficiency Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Suning Easy-to-buy 333 Non-medical Masks Jiazhanli Daily Use Store Guangzhou Jiazhanli Safety Protective Products Co., Ltd. Guangdong Province Disposable Protective Masks/Qualified Products Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Suning Easy-to-buy 334 Non-medical Mask Panda Premium Guangzhou Suikang Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. Guangdong Province Disposable Protective Mask Specification: 17.59.5 Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. 335 Non-medical Masks Create Qianjin Flagship Store Huizhou Shuokang Medical Devices Co., Ltd. Guangdong KN95 Protective Mask (Non-medical) Model Specification: 23 × 10.8cm Filter Efficiency of Qualified Products Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Dangdang 336 Non-medical Mask Sanbang Guangdong Xinyue Sanbang Protective Products Co., Ltd. Guangdong Province Disposable Protective Mask Product Model: S118, Product Specification: 17.5cm X 9.5cm Product Protective Effect Level: Grade D Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Xiaomi Youpin 337 Non-medical Mask Yilien Flagship Store Guangdong Maoye Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong Sterilization and Inactivation Protective Mask (Non-medical) 17595mm Filter Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 338 Non-medical Masks General Medical Supplies Store Shantou Haimeisi Garments Co., Ltd. Guangdong Province Disposable Ordinary Protective Masks 17.5cm 9.5cm Filter Efficiency and Protective Effect of Qualified Products Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Suning Easy-to-buy 339 Non-medical Mask Jinrongsheng Household Daily Store Shenzhen Baicao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Guangdong Province Disposable Protective Mask (Non-medical) Product Model: Flat Ear Product Specification: 175mm95mm Qualified Product August 26, 2021 Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo 340 Non-medical mask SunMask Jindexin Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Guangdong Province Disposable protective mask (non-medical) Size: 175 × 95 (± 3) mm, product model: ear-hanging qualified product 2021-09-03 Protective effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Taobao 341 Non-medical Mask Home Furnishing Flagship Store Shenzhen Hospitality Network Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong Province Disposable Non-woven Mask 17.5 × 9.5cm (± 0.5) Qualified Product 2021-9-1 Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Tmall 342 Non-medical Mask Sule Quality Flagship Store Shenzhen Mike Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong Province Disposable Protective Mask Size: 17398mm Product Model: KF94 Qualified Product/Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Xiaohongshu 343 Non-medical Mask Guangyi Flagship Store Huizhou Guangyi Supply Chain Information Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong Province Disposable Children's Mask Product Model: FL-0085, Product Specification: 14 × 9cm Qualified Product Ventilation Resistance Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Dangdang 344 Non-medical Mask Hongshi Medical HONGSHI Equipment Health Care Flagship Store Guangxi Jiadi Medical Technology Co.,Full Body Disposable Coverall, Ltd. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Disposable Mask Specification: 175mm × 95mm Qualified Product Filtration Efficiency, Protective Effect Guangzhou Inspection and Testing Certification Group Co., Ltd. Pinduoduo Source: China Quality News Network Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:
Posted in Default Category on August 24 at 01:28 AM

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