Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: How to Get Sovereigns

Skull and Bones: How to Get Sovereigns
Sovereigns are an endgame currency earned in Skull and Bones. Sovereigns are needed to buy exclusive cosmetics and weapons from the Black Market, but you will need to be a master pirate before you can even start earning them.
How To Earn Sovereigns
To earn Sovereigns, you will need to Skull and Bones Items reach the highest Infamy Rank - Kingpin 1.
You will also need to complete the Helm mission "A Nose for Business," which will require you to advance your smuggling empire a bit in Sainte-Anne by completing quests and buying upgrades.
Once you have reached these requirements, you will unlock Helm leaderboards, which is how you earn Sovereigns.
Helm Leaderboards
By completing Helm tasks you earn points for the leaderboard, which in turn awards Sovereigns.
There are two leaderboards, one weekly and one seasonal. Both leaderboards have a meter on the side, showing how many points you must earn to get Sovereigns.
To earn points, you must continuously complete Helm activities, like selling smuggling goods and completing Hostile Takeover activities.
Your points and rank are reset on either a weekly or Skull and bones items for sale cheap seasonal basis, but you don't lose the Sovereigns you have already earned, so you can continue to save up throughout multiple seasons.
Posted in Default Category 6 hours, 8 minutes ago

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