the Vertical Lift and the Vertical Carousel are considered to have a close relationship

Henry Ford was the first person to construct an assembly line specifically for the production of motor vehicles in 1913. What used to take 12 hours and 13 minutes (the fastest time clocked by Ford) to build a single car now only takes 1 hour and 33 minutes! As a result of Henry Ford's revolutionary work in the automobile industry, labor-intensive processes were greatly streamlined, and mass production was established.

Since 1913, many improvements have been made to "processes" in industry, with the goals of making them better, faster, and cheaper. In the following piece, I'm going to focus on just one of those technological advancements:The Automated Vertical Lift, also known as the Vertical Lift Module (VLM) and the Vertical Lift Module (VLM). In this talk, I will discuss the following points:

As a side note, the Vertical Lift and the Vertical Carousel are considered to have a close relationship, but the two machines serve very different purposes and have very different applications. You will gain further understanding of the Vertical Carousel after reading this article, which is titled "What Is a Vertical Carousel and How Is It Used?"

WHAT Exactly Is Meant by a Vertical Lift Module?

Vertical Lift Module Duo-cutawayThe elevator, which was initially constructed in 1853 and powered by steam, is considered by some to be the first fully automated vertical lift. Although Vertical Carousel Manufacturer is commonly known as an automated storage and retrieval system, the VLM is, in reality, nothing more than a highly developed delivery elevator. To begin, picture two walls that are facing each other and consist of vertical storage shelves that are anywhere from twenty to one hundred feet high. The next step is to install an elevator, also known as an electric lift, in the space between the two rows of facing shelves. The elevator, also known as a lift, travels up and down in the space between the walls of the building. The lift will "pick" an item from an operator bay once it has been electronically directed to stop at a specific shelf, retrieve a tray from the shelf that contains the desired items, and bring the tray to the operator. For reasons of both safety and security, the entire wall and lift system is completely enclosed.

Nevertheless, a Vertical Lift Module is in reality comprised of a great deal more than that. Note that this is not an exhaustive list, and that some features may differ from one industry to another. In the following paragraphs, I will highlight some key features that really make a lift revolutionary:

Sensors built into Dynamic Storage VLMs determine the heights of individual products as they are stacked on shelving trays.

The software that is installed with a lift will then calculate those height measurements and direct the VLM to store its trays in a dynamic manner. This means that the VLM will store its trays as close as 1 inch to the tallest product that is on the tray. This feature removes any unused airspace that may exist between shelves, thereby increasing the storage density.


One benefit of using VLMs to organize varied inventory is that they can be configured with trays that have varying weight load capacities but still fit on the same shelf. Nevertheless, regardless of the fact that trays come in a variety of sizes, the depth of each tray must be the same for each machine. Each and every tray has the capability of being partitioned using dividers, bins, and boxes.

Single Tray Output

One or two trays may be output from a VLM, depending on the configuration. A system that has a single tray output is one in which the lift picks up one tray at a time and then delivers it to the operator.

Dual Tray Production Output

Picking up items is made easier by the presence of a dual tray output. While the lift is delivering one tray, it is also picking up another tray at the same time.

Duo_Scott External Bay VLM External Tray External Bay

An independent operator bay that protrudes beyond the opening of the unit is referred to as an external bay. It provides operators with the most optimally ergonomic working space possible. The picked items are transported to the external bay by the lift. If the operation needs assistance from a crane or other mechanical manipulators that can lift heavy items stored on trays, then external bays are also ideal for the situation.

With assistance from a robot, the Vertical Lift External BayCounting Minute Components

A picking scale that is designed for counting small parts is yet another feature that is optional. The scale provides an interface with the software of the unit, which has been pre-programmed with the SKU numbers of the inventory of parts. The operation is as follows:It is necessary for an operator to pick 200 bolts. The operator gives the lift the instruction to pick up the tray that contains the bolts in the appropriate location. When the bolts are delivered by the lift to the operator bay, the operator will then place handfuls of bolts onto the scale, and the operator will be notified when the weight equivalent of 200 bolts has been reached on the scale. It sure beats counting by ones one by one!

Put-to-light is a system that divides up larger quantities of product into separate orders for individual customers. The system employs light devices to direct operators to "put" items from a large batch into an individual customer order. To put it another way, operators scan bar codes located on individual pieces of merchandise, and then lights turn on at individual customer orders that require that product.

Some packages include pretty impressive inventory management systems in addition to other features. Some examples of these features include the ability to restrict access to shelves based on the user's level of authorization; being notified when inventory is low and needs to be restocked; being advised of the material and pack type in addition to the expiration date; and producing analytical reports, among other things.

Although specialized technicians are typically responsible for the installation of the VLM Software, the configuration of the warehouse software is always carried out with the assistance and input of the customer.

Posted in Default Category on September 26 at 12:43 AM

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