Neitiznot Helmet Because you don't have

EoC won't make fighting non-boss monsters fun... It's just going to make OSRS gold you spam your abilities. I've PvP'ed within the real game and it's fantastic. The Beta phase of PvP'ing... This is the time to be a fan. Everyone gets Full Torva/Pernix/chaotics whatever.
But no one goes into the wild and risk Torva and pernix. Therefore, you can easily get 1 hit a 4000 when you prank in rune - or something like a 4000 like just stun them and hit them few times. You'll see them die quickly. I'm not planning on bothering with PvP'ing any longer, which is unfortunate, except, of course, I'm using OP'd-out swifts/goliaths.
I've found guides to Fight Kiln. I've looked up guides for Fight Kiln but I still have a few questions about it. In the event that I do not have Augury/Rigour prayers, do I need to be on curses? If yes, which ones should I SoulSplit with, if there is any? If I have dreadnips can I use those on the Dills and also bank my pickaxe?
Is tanking the Jad's Ganodermic top + legs doable or is it worth it to pray switch/flinch? If I'm bringing 2 tort pouches, and scrolls and a unicorn pouch are there any alternatives to brewing brews for the two? I'm also planning to fill the Tort with brews prior to entering. Please help answer my questions and give me any suggestions, it would be appreciated.
If I don't believe in Augury/Rigour prayer, should I be on curses? If so , which ones should I soul split on, if any? If you're not interested in flashing, you should split your soul whenever you only have a few enemies. If you do want to suck at flashing, it's possible to tank maybe 2 meleers OR 2 rangers or one small mage and split your soul.
If I have dreadnips may be used with the pickaxe and also bank the dills? Only if you also own titans, which you clearly don't when using an axe. Are tanksing Jad's Ganodermic top + legs doable or better to pray switch/flinch?
Prayer switching doesn't have to be difficult. Make sure you don't flinch when you really suck at it. If I'm taking two tort pouches, and scrolls with a unicorn, do I replace beer with the scrolls? My setup of gear: 1K Diamond Bolts I'm pretty sure that the Runite bolts are superior in general. Broads workwell, or you could try Karil's.
Neitiznot Helmet Because you don't have a titan in your arsenal, you could consider switching to a defensive helm such as Gano and Verac. This is not necessary however. Armadyl Platebody can be used as well. If you're not able, choose royal dhide. The Chaotic Crossbow Karil's might work in buy RS gold a similar way to bolts made from runite.
Posted in Default Category on February 28 at 10:51 PM

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