The working principle and characteristics of high pressure belt press

The treatment of industrial wastewater has become a major problem for cities and enterprises. Although sewage treatment technology has matured and perfected, the key links between sludge dewatering and concentration are still being researched and explored. In recent years, our factory has studied the working principle and structure of the existing press, absorbed mature foreign technology and experience, and developed and developed a new generation of a high-pressure belt press, which is necessary equipment for the sewage treatment process. The following will introduce the working principle and characteristics of a high-pressure belt press.

The working principle of high-pressure belt press features:

Tempering and feeding

1. Principle of quality adjustment: Sludge is generally composed of small particles with strong hydrophilicity, and it is difficult to dehydrate directly. Therefore, quality adjustment treatment should be carried out before sludge dewatering. Because the quality of this quality adjustment process directly affects the effect of the dehydrator, it is a necessary link. There are many kinds of sludge quality conditioning treatment, but most of them use the method of polymer flocculants. The polymer flocculant is neutralized by the charge of the crops so that the hydrophilic particles can be aggregated into groups, which is beneficial to the dehydration of the dehydrator.

2. Conditioning and tempering process:

Dissolving flocculant → coagulation tank → sludge dewatering.

Because the liquid sludge has high fluidity, more free water, and no pressure resistance, it first enters the gravity dewatering zone to remove free water, reduce the fluidity of the sludge, make the flocculation and particles have a greater binding force, and then enter the wedge-shaped pre-pressure dehydration Stage, after slight pressure sludge dewatering, the fluidity is completely lost in preparation for spin dewatering and shear dewatering. After the sludge passes through the gravity dehydration zone and wedge dehydration, the free water and flocculation water are basically removed, and the sludge enters the rotary dehydration zone. Through the change of the diameter of the rotating roller, the tension of the mesh belt is gradually increased to form progressive dehydration. Strain with stretch and dehydrate cake folds for frosting. Between the lower two layers of symmetrical filter belts, shear forces are generated by different rotation directions.

high pressure belt press

High-pressure belt press structural features.

The high-pressure belt press is mainly composed of a frame body, pulp box, dewatering plate, dewatering roll, gyratory roll, deflection control roll, main cloud roll, tension roll, transmission device, electrical control device, spray washing device, water receiving device, etc.

The above is about the working principle and characteristics of a high-pressure belt press. As a supplier of high-pressure belt presses, Kintep produces products with stable performance. If you want to know more about high-pressure belt presses, then hurry up Follow our website.


Posted in Default Category on July 05 at 05:38 AM

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