How to clean up the chamber filter press

The cleaning work occupies a very important part in the maintenance of the chamber filter press and also has a great influence on the work efficiency and results of the chamber filter press. How to do the cleaning work of the chamber filter press is what a lot of people are concerned about. This requires technical content, so I will briefly introduce how to clean up the chamber filter press equipment.

chamber filter press

After the chamber filter press equipment stops running, in addition to turning off the power, it is also necessary to clean up the parts that the filter passes through. For the chamber filter press equipment, there are many parts that the filtrate can pass through, and they are all important parts of the equipment. Therefore, we must pay more attention when cleaning. If the equipment is damaged due to the cleaning of the chamber filter press equipment, it will not be worth the loss.

When the filtrate is pumped into the equipment by the feed pump, the first place to flow in is the filter chamber, and the filter chamber is formed by splicing filter plates one by one, so cleaning the filter chamber is equivalent to cleaning the filter plates. So when we clean the chamber filter press equipment, the first thing we need to do is to return the push plate, loosen the filter plate piece by piece, and remove the filter cake from it. The key is to clean up some drainage holes on the filter plate. Prevent the filtrate from air-drying and depositing at these critical locations, causing blockage and damage to the filter plate, so that the chamber filter press equipment will not work properly next time.

In addition to cleaning the filter chamber, the filter cloth also needs to be cleaned. The filter cloth is the direct bearer of the separation between the solid and the liquid of the equipment, so the importance of cleaning the filter cloth can be imagined. After we take off the filter cloth, soak it in the liquid with the opposite pH value of the filtrate, which can reduce the solid particles of the filtrate mixed in the filter cloth. When rubbing with clean water, the solid particles in the filter cloth will also fall off easily, which will eventually make the filter cloth more expeditious and thorough, which is beneficial to the next work of the filter cloth equipment.

The above is the key to doing a good job of cleaning the chamber filter press equipment, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone. As a chamber filter press manufacturer, Kintep specializes in the production of filter press equipment. Our products are of good quality. If you want to know more about chamber filter press, then come and pay attention to our website.


Posted in Default Category on July 19 at 02:25 AM

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  • davidwilly