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  • Legendary11 Admin
  • New York, NY, USA
  • 23424
Products / Books / Books / Thrawn (novel)

Thrawn (novel)

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Thrawn is a novel written by Timothy Zahn. The novel is about the character Thrawn, who was canonically reintroduced in the third season of Star Wars Rebels. Zahn was the creator of the original character in the author's Thrawn Trilogy. The novel was rele

Product Code: Novel_1
Thrawn is a novel written by Timothy Zahn. The novel is about the character Thrawn, who was canonically reintroduced in the third season of Star Wars Rebels. Zahn was the creator of the original character in the author's Thrawn Trilogy. The novel was released on April 11, 2017. "I study the art of war. Work to perfect it." —Grand Admiral Thrawn